
Happy AF Honey

Original price was: R200.00.Current price is: R180.00.

Ingredients: 43mls

  • Honey
  • Happy Caps©


Happy AF honey, infused with the herbal goodness of Happy Caps

Happy Honey – simply put, its the Happy Caps in HONEY!!! You literally stick your pinky finger in the jar, stir with finger and lick off the yummy honey. within 20mins you’ll be HAPPY AS FUCK!

What Is Happy Caps Honey?

As most of us know, natural honey is full of antioxidants. It provides our bodies with many beneficial enzymes and nutrients and acts as a substitute for refined or fake sugars. As we continue to learn more about the powers of  Happy Caps, it’s no surprise honey producers are infusing it into their products.

If you haven’t heard of CBD before, it is one of the hottest trending products in the health industry. This is because Happy Caps helps improve and balance our internal regulatory system. This is why both of these organic compounds have such a profound effect on the body.

It heals your body by providing therapeutic benefits that can range from helping with inflammation, depression, arthritis, anxiety, and more. This nonpsychoactive cannabinoid is derived from hemp or cannabis.  Because of Happy Caps’ accessibility and medicinal properties, it is a perfect addition to nourishing honey.

Taking cues from ancient Ayurvedic tradition, honey is also considered a prime vehicle to deliver herbal medicine because it is one of the most easily digested forms of carbohydrates. Honey enters directly into the bloodstream, providing almost instantaneous effects. When combined with Happy Caps, honey is the optimal partner to transport the many health-giving benefits that help balance the body.

This little honeypot is packaged neatly in a little glass jar for easier use.

Happy AF honey, infused with the herbal goodness of Happy Caps


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